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PROCEEDING BOOK OF Tuna Talks Seminar Interfacing Science and Management for Sustainable and Regenerative Tuna Fishery

 Author: Budy Wiryawan, et al  Category: Non-Translation  Publisher: IPB University  Published: 19/07/2024  ISBN: 978-602-98034-3-3 (EPUB)  Pages: 143  Language: English  Dimension: Ukuran A5; 21cm X 14,8cm  File Size: 865KB  Tags: FisheriesMarine Sciences |  Download

The Tuna Talks 2023 entitled ‘Interfacing Science and Management for sustainable and regenerative Tuna Fishery’. It is a
scientific publication delivered from various assessments and researches, containing 3 aspects of Lessons, i.e.: Fishery
Resources, Socio-economic and Governance related to tuna fisheries. Those have been discussed in this proceeding. The
scientific knowledge is crucial for understanding fish stocks, their population dynamics, and the impacts of fishing activities.
Robust data collection, monitoring, and research are essential to support management decisions accurately. The proceeding
considers applying effective implementation for Ecosystem Approach of Fisheries Management, based on the appropriate
data analysis combined with management, especially in developing Harvest Strategy.
